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RP Rules for SWTOR Guilds.


Rule 1: Try to stay in character as much as passable, if you must go OOC use something such as ((this is an ooc post example)) to show you are OOC as it brakes the flow of RP to go OOC.


Rule 2: Wait your turn to post. Give people a chance to reply to you, this is needed more so when there is more than 1 person you are RPing with.


Rule 3:  Use the Say chat For RP 

  • (Side note: remember the /me function does not work across factions, so If you are RPing with a Repub' person and your playing an Imp', it will not show up on their side.)


Rule 4: keep RP logical, for example if you want to play a sith or Jedi, try to pick one of the sith/Jedi Classes. Simerly the other way around as well.

  • (This is more of a guideline then a set in stone rule as some force power gifted people choose NOT to use light sabers and force powers. and the star wars universe clearly states in its own wiki that force powers can manifest in anyone at any time in any race, and that some reject becoming sith or Jedi but learn their own powers in their own way.)

  • (Side note: this also does NOT count alignment choices that are personal Pref for PVE only; it’s up to you if you want to include it.)


Rule 5: No RL racism! This is covered in our Basic core rules, and if it’s seen it WILL be punished in the proscribed way set out in the core guild rules. 


Rule 6:  Attend your Training events with your Master/teacher, unless you have a given good reason.

  • (Ps. This does NOT have to take place in strongholds or Home worlds, use the Galaxy!)


Rule 7: Try to RP in public places as well as strongholds. This can be in global cantinas, Flash points, boss hunting; we are an RP-PVE guild, Use the galaxy to its fullest. 


Rule 8: Make an Effort.  Turn up to RP events. These are Guild Events planned for you! When people take the time to plan these events for you to join in on, it’s hurtful and rude when everyone signs off just to avoid attending the event! think of it like your birthday party, how you would feel if everyone snubbed you after days sometimes weeks of planning, and cooking and then your left all on your own?


Rule 9: Basic Training will be held in strongholds and some on home worlds, this is VERY basic training to teach your chara's the basics, and isn't expected to last more than a week or two at the most, depending on your attendance rate. ICly your toon will be expected to remain in those areas, however outside of that RP time your free to do whatever.


Rule 10: voiding RP, if you typed something you didn’t mean or you don't want something to stick because it was a moment of randomness or just isn't logical to it, tell people that you have voided it. 


  • 1 random: *joz walks into the courtyard and starts do dance for no real reason* <Void>


  • 2 accidental naming: *joz walks into the cantina and see's a lovely young landy and decides to talk to her* Hey there jess do you come here often. ((In times like this you must NEVER assume you know a person’s name even if it’s on a name plate you can read, think of it as meeting a total stranger until they've told you their name.))


  • 3: Sometimes things will come up where an RPer leaves you high and dry, or something doesn’t fit in RP you may just want to wipe it from the toons Story, if you void that make sure to tell people involved in it as well.


Rule 11: RP Death, Do not go out of your way to kill peoples toons unless you have agreed on it before hand, no one likes to kill off their hard worked and developed toons, so never RP kill someone unless you have both agreed to it.


Rule 12: No Meta gaming. Meta gaming is where your toon knows something because you know it OOCly But the toon has not found it out ICly. Unless you know it ICly somehow do NOT say your toon knows it. If you have an alt you RP with that is somehow linked to your main or something along that line, Make it plausible on how they exchange info.


Rule 13: (this is for Emote RPers mainly) NO God modeing (aka god moding). This is where your untouchable because of some unknown reason, like someone emotes they've hit you somehow, but you've dodged it and taken NO damage what so ever because your RPing yourself to be prefect in every way.


Rule 14: No power gaming. I don't care if your RP master is level 13 and your RPing as an apprentice at Level 60. RP wise you are not more powerful, and this one falls in partly as God modeing as well. Making yourself more and more powerful with our ever RPing how is a BIG no no in RP.


Rule 15:  RP Duels, Agree on how beforehand. SWTOR has a Duel play function, but there is also the option to Emote it as well. Be sure to agree with each other how to go about it, it’s often better to emote such things as level and gear difference can make a big difference between chara's.


Rule 16: titles. As you progress in the game you will probably notice you gain in game titles such as Apprentice or Lord. We ask that during RP time that you display only that which you have earned in RP.

  •  However free to play and preferred players, you may want to buy the unlock from GTN or cartel market or if you are really stuck ask the guild leader and officers to buy you the unlock for this function, the guild will try to keep some unlocks types (for guild bank, titles & gear) stored in the guild bank to post to you for just this reason, but we do ask in return that you try to add credits to the guild fund once you have guild bank access. This is so we can continue to afford to Buy things for the guild be it other Access unlocks or bits for the guild.

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