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War of the Immortals

I came into this free to play MMO late in its life, however it is still an ok game, fun for an hour or two and when you just want to relax and kill stuff and your not an shooter game type (that said First person shooter players will probably get on with this game as well) Now to start off its run by ARC Games (Perfect World Entertainment) who are known for their shameless advertising of micro transaction things. To this effect in WOI there are a few annoying things but nothing you can't get around. your item bag is too small for my liking and you have to pay Zen to open up slots if you want to do it with out having to level up every 10 levels to open 4 slots. Zen are the in game coins you buy from the arc website to use in your micro transactions, however it is NOT all bad they do allow you to sell your Zen in game so the hard working players who are poor in real money can save up the fake in game coins and buy a few Zen from the exchange store, compared to number of other game makers with micro transactions THIS I have got to say was a good idea from PWI! its a good way to include all your player base from the rich to the poor. If you want to get all the good stuff, but to get Zen you have to buy that which you can do in game, or in the USA apparently you can get prepay cards but for some reason the twits in the USA think that the UK uses Euro's which we don't! So you will need to Google a currency converter to found out how much you will be wanting to spend. THAT'S if you want to pay money. Its not pay to win as some have said but it helps if you have the good gear. I myself refuse to pay and just spend my quest coins on buying Zen OR I just don't bother and go around with my F2P stuff, I have however at times been and got myself the platinum noble subscription from time to time as I am not against supporting these games I'm just picky in how I do so as I like to find the things are are more Value for my money and I am glad to say PWI in this game give you a range of things to choose from on that level.

You can no longer get this game on steam, However I have seen it still on the ARC game luncher along with a few other games they do such as startreck and neverwinter.

If your looking for an old school style MMO that's VERY easy to play and get into then I would recommend this game just for its easy game play and relaxing nature.

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